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Omnitrack PLUS: Precision-Powered Success in EDM Flows

· 4 min read
Elton Wang

Hello! I'm Elton Wang from RTO.AI. Today, we're spotlighting one of the most crucial elements in Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) marketing: Precision. In the dynamic world of EDM marketing, data accuracy isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. With Omnitrack PLUS, we're elevating this precision, ensuring that every email, whether through Omnisend, Klaviyo or any other platform, not only reaches its destination but also resonates with its recipient.

The Precision Challenge in EDM Marketing:

Imagine this scenario:

1.You invest in a click on Google or Facebook for a user to visit your site.

2.The user signs up for a $300 off coupon.

3.They exit without purchasing.

4.They return 24 hours later.

5.They add to cart….but leave without purchasing.

6.You HOPE that your EDM platform, like Klaviyo or Omnisend, sends an abandoned cart email.


But here's the catch:

If the user was on iOS (or Safari) and their tracking cookie expired, the EDM platform might have no idea the user added to cart.


It's the stringent cookie policies of browsers like Safari. When users engage with ads on platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, Safari's setting these cookies to self-destruct in 24 hours.

This means platforms like Omnisend can't recognize the user after this short window, making them a digital ghost.

What's the Real Impact?

You might be wondering, "How much is this really affecting me?" A quick look at your Google Analytics can offer some clarity. Check out the traffic coming from paid channels like Omnisend, Facebook, and Google. Then, see how many of these users are on Safari. For many businesses, this can be more than half of their entire traffic.

Omnitrack PLUS's Two-Pronged Approach:

So, how do we tackle these challenges and ensure that every user's action is accurately tracked and acted upon? This is where Omnitrack PLUS's approach comes into play.

User ID Extensions & Tracking Data Enrichment: We're keeping tabs on multiple touchpoints in a user's journey, from confirming orders to signing up for newsletters. Using this data, we're building a detailed identity profile that's not just relying on cookies. This means we can recognize users like Mary even if they come back after a long break.

Server-Side Integration: With this, Omnitrack PLUS is sending events like product views and cart additions straight to Omnisend via their API. This happens server-side, so it's completely transparent to users. So, when Mary comes back and adds items to her cart, we can spot her, link her to her past actions, and ensure she gets those abandoned cart reminders.

The Omnitrack PLUS Advantage:

Having an approach is one thing, but what tangible benefits does it bring to the table? Let's delve into the tangible advantages businesses have experienced with Omnitrack PLUS.

With Omnitrack PLUS, businesses have witnessed:

🔥 200% increase in emails sent to customers that would have otherwise been “ghosts”.

🔥 Almost 100% increase in revenue.

These are results typically seen within the first week for many customers.

Before/After Comparisons

The examples below are real customer examples typically within 3-14 days of going live.

Performance continues to increase over time as returning users visit and their cookies are expired so Omnisend or Klaviyo does not recognize them and are unable to connect their activity to a user profile.

Users that triggered the legacy events were filtered from flows executing:



So here you go:

18% More Revenue from Abandoned Cart Flows for Skincare Brand

This brand has captured another 18% revenue on their abandoned cart flows from users that would otherwise have not been enrolled in their legacy flow.


4x User Segment and Doubled Abandoned Cart Flow Revenue: Apparel Brand

This brand ran Omnitrack PLUS’s server-side tracking events in parallel for about 30 days to validate the potential lift.

They now run their abandoned cart and product browse flows using Omnitrack PLUS’s server-side events due to the significant increase in user match rates and direct revenue increase from sending more abandoned cart flows.


35% Increase in Product Views: Pet Accessories D2C Brand

This was less than 4 days after going live.


In essence, Omnitrack PLUS doesn't merely address the challenges of cookie expiration. It refines the entire EDM marketing process with unparalleled precision. This heightened accuracy leads to more emails being dispatched, superior open and click-through rates, and ultimately, augmented revenue for your website. Curious about the precision difference? We've curated a complimentary package for you to explore. For any specific queries, our team is just a chat away.

Thank you for accompanying me on this deep dive into precision in EDM marketing. Here's to a more targeted and successful email marketing journey!