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Omnitrack Easy Ads Reporting- a report in 10 minutes

· 5 min read
Elton Wang

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, advertisers and brands face unprecedented challenges. Cookies, once a key tool in digital advertising, now face problems with shortened life cycles and limited use, which means that advertising tracking and performance optimization are becoming increasingly unreliable. In this uncertain environment, we must ask ourselves, how can we make informed marketing decisions without the proper tools?

Even if Facebook’s background can capture advertising data, this data indicator is very different from GA, so it is difficult to judge the real effect of the channel.

In fact, there is no way to count the effectiveness of advertisers and maximize the benefits of advertising budget expenditures. change.

In this case, advertisers will be very confused. Although the data seems to be very good, the advertising reach rate of GA is only 50%, and even only 20-30%. Although they know that the channel is effective, they dare not go too far. Investing more advertising budget and worrying that the results will not cover the advertising expenditures will continue to affect your judgment. In the current environment, you will miss a good opportunity to distance yourself from other brands and further improve.

So how to make wise marketing decisions is the biggest confusion for every advertiser or Shopify store owner?

Independent website tool! (Insertion order attribution analysis function in OmniTrack Plus)

It not only captures the core data of Facebook's backend that advertisers are most concerned about, such as spending, conversion, conversion order value and ROAS, but also relies on OmniTrack's powerful attribution capabilities to help everyone accurately calculate the true and accurate number of orders and the total order amount of the channel. ROAS also includes chargeback quantity and chargeback amount;

Moreover, these data not only exist at the Facebook channel level, but also display the Ads Sets level in great detail, helping operators to judge which are the best advertising groups in the channel, further facilitating brand layout and expanding the advertising budget for high-quality groups. Further improve advertising effectiveness and channel effectiveness. Moreover, Onmitrack is suitable for the vast majority of sellers, but it has an advantage that cannot be ignored for small sellers and junior sellers, that is, clear channel sources, allowing you to quickly determine the best channel source with less data. Let’s take a look at a real case!

Real case: Express Expresso Machine’s Shopify store

Amanda runs a Shopify store selling coffee machines and other products. She ran ads on Facebook. Although there are some orders in the advertising backend, it is difficult to determine which ad group or campaign has produced the results, making it impossible for Amanda to make the right decision. Amanda later decided to try OmniTrack PLUS after a friend recommended it.

Order Attribution

Through the plug-in, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could accurately capture the transaction path of each order in near real-time and clearly through OmniTrack's Order Attribution function. It is truly possible to clearly understand which channel each order comes from and how the user completed the transaction. And all this can be revealed within 10 minutes after the order is placed.



Facebook Ads Tool

What’s even more surprising is that, based on OmniTrack Plus’ powerful user OneID attribution capabilities, and with the help of the Ads Report function, Amanda can analyze which campaign and ad group produced the conversion effect. Moreover, it has strong timeliness. It can calculate the correct attribution of orders in 10 minutes and the real ROAS of each media channel within 3 hours. With the help of OmniTrack Plus's accurate attribution, Amanda can now not only directly see the true transaction path of the order, but also have a clear understanding of the true performance of the advertising campaign.



Adapt to new privacy policies and technology environments: Even in the new environment with restricted use of cookies, OmniTrack Plus can still provide accurate and reliable data.

Advertising Optimization Strategy

1.Better channel sources

Amanda found that most orders only require one path to convert, and most advertising sources are Facebook and Google advertising channels. Then Amanda increased the advertising budget on these two channels, more than doubling the advertising budget, and provided it to the website bringing a significant increase in advertising orders.

2.In-depth optimization of advertising content

Amanda was also pleasantly surprised to find that the same material used in Ad Group 1 and Ad Group 2 was converted, so this high-quality material was widely distributed to other advertising interest groups, and the later effects will be considerable.

3.Further highlighting the effectiveness of advertising content

Amanda found that the advertising effect was not good, but the website's order performance was good. It was speculated that it might be due to the advertising effect brought by Facebook. After installing omnitrack plus, through the Facebook reports tool, he found that although the first four groups of ads were not captured in the background, However, through our backend, we found that there were conversions and the order amount was large; she immediately opened the original ad group and expanded the budget.


Through cases, it is not difficult to find that the accuracy of advertising data is an unavoidable part of advertising and the most important cause of effectiveness. The new feature of Facebook Ads is undoubtedly the best tool to solve this dilemma. Not only can it help you track and analyze advertising performance more accurately, but it can also help you make the most accurate decisions, so give it a try.