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What Is Attribution Modeling? A Quick Explain for Marketers

· 7 min read
Elton Wang

When you go to make a purchase online, you might conduct a number of different searches. You might start off with a pretty high-level product-focused search, then you might start to narrow down on specific features or benefits, and then once you're ready to make the purchase, you might conduct a brand search and go directly to the site that you want, find exactly what you want, and convert.The challenge for advertisers is to determine which of those touch points should get credit for that conversion.

服务器端GTM(Server-side GTM)会让你跟踪数据更准确吗?

· 12 min read
Elton Wang

谷歌推出了一款新的跟踪工具——Server Side GTM。它是什么?你应该使用它吗?你能使用它吗?接下来,我们将为您介绍需要了解的一切内容。今天我们将讨论数据分析和埋点相关的一个热门话题,即服务器端跟踪(Server Side Tracking)

How Does iOS 14 Impact Tracking & Analytics?

· 15 min read
Elton Wang

Today, we're going to talk about iOS 14 and the recent tracking changes that were introduced on this platform that is powering a half of all mobile devices, which are Apple devices just like the iPhone. So it's a pretty big deal, and people were upset about it. And even Facebook was upset about it, put out a big, huge ad that a lot of people were talking about. And we're going to talk about how it will impact your tracking.

Why Do Advertisers Need Facebook Conversion API?

· 4 min read
Elton Wang

You may have heard of Conversion API a hundred times. It's never entirely clear why you need it, despite the fact that they always claim you do.

Is Conversion API the useful solution for iOS 14? Does it have the capacity to boost cost efficiency and ad performance? Or does it only facilitate more accurate reporting?

Continue reading to discover conclusive solutions~

Facebook Pixels for Shopify-Do’s and Don’ts

· 5 min read

Facebook Pixel is a useful piece of code when it comes to user data tracking. This tool allows you to scout potential customer targets and optimize ads accordingly, dramatically improving your sales. In fact, putting up Facebook ads on Shopify without Pixel is akin to misplacing a winning lottery ticket.

How Many Facebook Pixels Can I Create and How Many Pixels Shall I Setup?

· 5 min read
Elton Wang

Facebook sets a cookie called a Pixel in the browser to track user behavior. The pixel gathers information to monitor conversions from Facebook Advertising so you can improve them, identify the target market for subsequent ads, and remarket to site visitors.

How Does iOS 14 Impact Tracking & Analytics?

· 12 min read
Elton Wang

What's going on with the user privacy changes in iOS 14 and their impact on app tracking?

iOS 14 has brought some major changes to its privacy features to give more control to its users!

These changes will impact tracking for half of all mobile device users in the United States. It will also affect advertising platforms like Facebook and Google (and they are not very happy with this update).

In this guide, we will see how the changes in iOS 14 will impact tracking and analytics and who are the stakeholders.